Feb 092012

In Lynn O’Shaughnessy‘s blog post on The Colleges Where PhD’s Get Their Start, she links to this insightful article comparing the experience of undergraduate science students at small liberal arts colleges to those at large research universities. Although you may hear similar points made in many discussions of liberal arts colleges vs. larger universities, this article goes in more depth and cites data to back up its assertions.

I’ve attached a lengthy essay by Thomas R. Cech, a Grinnell College grad, Nobel Laureate and chemistry professor at the University of Colorado, who wrote a fascinating essay contrasting the science experience for undergrads at colleges versus universities. Cech believes science majors at liberal arts colleges enjoy an advantage over undergrads who attend universities. Here are Cech’s thoughts: Science at Liberal Arts Colleges: A Better Education?

Lynn’s blog, The College Solution, is a good place to lose track of time exploring interesting articles on US colleges and universities.

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